When a baby is due to arrive, we always expect everything to go smoothly and that the medical professionals looking after our family will provide the highest standards of care possible. But, sadly, things sometimes go wrong, and medical negligence or errors can lead to traumatic and devastating birth injuries.
Although our initial focus will be on the health and well-being of mother and child, there will come a time when we have to turn our attention to more practical matters. When we look at the treatment and care our child will need and how much that is going to cost. At that point, we need to find a competent medical malpractice lawyer to represent us in any claim against the medical staff and their insurance companies.
There are around 76 birth injuries every day in the United States and most of them happen where the mothers are aged between 25 and 34. And while some birth injuries may be relatively minor with little needed in the way of medical treatment, many more can be extremely serious and may mean that the child needs medical treatment and personal care for the rest of their lives.
What leads to medical negligence can vary greatly, from tiredness to simple – but costly – mistakes. Delays in delivery or ordering a Caesarian section, failing to notice the fetus is having issues or is a breech baby or has its umbilical cord wrapped around neck can lead to serious conditions including cerebral palsy or brain damage. If one of the delivery staff is over-physical during delivery, it can cause spinal cord damage which may mean the infant is partially or wholly paralyzed. In extreme cases, birth injuries may lead to wrongful death.
Some of these conditions mean that the infant will need lifelong care, both medical care and personal care. In some cases, there may also be a need for your home or vehicle to be specially adapted. All these factors can mean high – and ongoing – expenses. Having the best legal representation available to clients from Macomb County means that you can be confident you will never be out of pocket.
Cochran, Kroll & Associates are one of the leading law firms in Metro Detroit who represent clients in personal injury cases, particularly medical malpractice suits. Our super lawyers provide the very best legal services when it comes to birth injury claims. Whether as negotiators with insurance companies or as trial lawyers, we will represent you to the best of our abilities. We offer a free initial appointment at our conveniently located law offices. Why not book that free consultation today by calling us at (866)-779-7331.