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Medical Incompetence and Credentialing in Michigan

When a patient goes to see a medical professional, they often know little about the qualifications of their doctor besides the diplomas and certifications they can see on the office’s walls. Medical credentialing is incredibly important because it is sometimes the only way that patients know for certain that they can trust their healthcare providers.

The credentialing process is standardized and can involve the collection of data, the verification of primary source, a committee review. Through this process, patients, insurers, hospitals, and other agencies can be reassured of a medical professional’s competence. The credentialing process used to take a much longer time before the era of the Internet, but now it is becoming easier and more efficient as more records are available in digital form.

Even though the options for online and digital credentialing are becoming more readily available, some hospitals still choose not to use these methods, instead opting for the slower manual credentialing process that can be more open to human error and can leave hospitals using it liable should a medical professional employed by them commit an act of negligence.

In medical malpractice suits, one way to prove negligence and shift the blame to the hospital or other healthcare provider is to show that the hospital did not take every step they could to make sure the professional they have employed is capable of performing their duties. If they did not complete a thorough credentialing process, they could be at fault for this act of malpractice.

This credentialing error could be caused by one missed document and could lead to the authorization of a nurse, doctor, or other hospital employees to be listed as qualified to perform a service that they do not actually have the proper credentials to perform. If your injury is a result of this negligence, you will have grounds to file a malpractice suit.

If you have reason to believe that incompetent credentialing led to an incident of medical malpractice regarding you or a loved one, call an experienced medical malpractice attorney at Cochran, Kroll & Associates, P.C. today at 866-MICH-LAW for a free consultation. We never charge a fee unless a recovery is made.



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