Boat Accident Lawyer in Grand Rapids
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Boat Accident Lawyer in Grand Rapids

Have you been injured in a boating accident? Are you wondering about your legal options? Consulting with a personal injury lawyer is an excellent place to start finding answers. To recover damages — including coverage of your medical bills, lost wages, and other damages — you’ll need legal help.

What Happened?

Most boating accidents involve two boats — this includes all watercraft such as jet skis, sailboats, canoes etc. — colliding, encountering a stationary object (like a dock, pier, or rock), or floating object (like a channel marker or other buoy-type structure).

And the cause? When two watercraft collide, there is often some degree of responsibility shared by both boat operators. Sometimes one watercraft encountering the wake of another (much larger) watercraft causes accidents and injuries, and in those instances it’s usually the larger craft that is responsible, but that can be difficult to prove. Often some degree of operator inattention, the influence of alcohol or drugs, and excessive speed are key factors.

Just as often, the cause of the accident that caused your injuries might be more indirect and subtle — like whether proper lighting was being used, the overall seaworthiness of the watercraft, operator inexperience/lack of training, whether the right number and right kind of flotation devices are onboard, and other less obvious factors.

Who is responsible? Who is liable for covering the medical and other costs associated with your injuries?

Cochran, Kroll & Associates is a law firm dedicated to the practice of personal injury law. We help individuals and families throughout the Great Lakes to receive fair and adequate compensation after an accident — whether it’s a boating accident, a car, truck, or motorcycle accident, medical malpractice case, a wrongful death lawsuit, or other kinds of accidents that have caused injuries, and we can prove that the negligence of another caused those injuries.

Who Is Liable?

Boating accidents can be complex from a liability standpoint. There can be more than one liable party, and it can take a bit of investigative skill to find out who owns the boat, who leases the boat, and who maintains the boat — any of which could be held liable, depending on what happened.

Boat owners don’t always have insurance. In Michigan, boat owners must only carry insurance if there is a lien on the boat or personal watercraft. But once the loan is paid off, insurance isn’t required. Many boat owners don’t maintain it. Sometimes there is liability coverage for a boat associated with the owner’s home owner’s insurance policy, but there are often limitations to that coverage if it is included at all.

The professionals at Cochran, Kroll & Associates can meet with you at a time and place that is convenient and comfortable for you — including your home or hospital room. We want to learn more about your boat accident and injuries and explore options with you. After this free consultation, if we decide to work together, it will be on a contingency agreement. This means that we don’t get paid until you receive your settlement.

Contact us toll-free today (24 hours) at 866-466-9912 or use our convenient online contact form.


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