Boat Accident Lawyer in Livonia
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Boat Accident Lawyer in Livonia

Are you looking for some legal help after a boating accident? You’ve come to the right place.

Why Is Legal Help Important?

The fact that you were injured in a boating accident does not necessarily mean anyone was negligent. In legal terms, negligence is defined as “a failure to act with reasonable care.” This means that you, hopefully with a personal injury lawyer at your side, must prove that someone failed to act with reasonable care.

To do this successfully, you, the plaintiff, must gather evidence that proves negligence, and then present that evidence effectively in settlement hearings and court proceedings.

Cochran, Kroll & Associates P.C. is a personal injury law firm that helps individuals and families seek and receive damages for injuries received after an accident — not just a boating accident, but also a car, truck, or motorcycle accident, medical malpractice, a wrongful death lawsuit, or other accidents that result in injury — and where we can prove that the negligence of another caused the accident.

What Caused The Accident?

Boating accidents are often caused by several factors. Sometimes boating accidents occur when the operator is under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Excessive speed, reckless operation, and the violation of other maritime regulations that lead to an accident are often, in fact, directly related to operating a boat under the influence.

To prove negligence, however, witnesses will need to be interviewed, photographic evidence collected, medical records assembled, and a legal strategy developed to prove negligence. If the accident was serious, there will be a Coast Guard report — and perhaps other documentation from local law enforcement and EMT’s who provided medical treatment at the scene — that can be essential in building your case.

An attorney from Cochran, Kroll & Associates P.C. is ready to meet with you, at your convenience, to evaluate your case. If you have already been approached by an insurance company, we strongly recommend that you no sign anything until you’ve gotten some legal advice.

What Damages Can Be Recovered?

If you are seriously injured, and if it’s clear that a boated acted negligently and you were injured as a result, you have the right to pursue a personal injury lawsuit to recover damages. These damages include your medical bills, your lost earnings, and your lost earning capacity, as well as other nonmedical (pain and suffering) damages.

The professionals at Cochran, Kroll & Associates are ready to help you understand your options, and provide sound legal advice — and exemplary legal representation — every step of the way until we achieve a successful settlement.

Don’t worry about the cost. After a free consultation to review your case, if we decide to work together, it will be a contingency fee agreement. This means that we don’t get paid until you get your settlement.

Contact us toll-free today (24 hours) at 866-466-9912 or use our convenient online contact form.


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There is no obligation for a case evaluation & no fee is charged unless a recovery is made.
  • Disclaimer: Please note that we are currently accepting cases for Michigan residents only, except for product liability cases, which we handle nationwide.
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