Hips, like all joints in the body, can wear out over time and use. Arthritis, ligament tears, or broken femoral heads can all lead to pain and suffering. Advances in medicine have given many hip pain sufferers relief in the form of hip replacement devices.
However, these medical devices sometimes do not work as anticipated and tested, or they may have unforeseen consequences. While there are hundreds of thousands of successful hip replacements every year, many thousands of people suffer from malfunctioning joint revision surgeries.
There are several hip implants available, but there are currently only two different types of hip replacement devices on the market: metal-on-metal (MoM) or metal-on-plastic (MoP). Of these two implants, the MoM devices have become the most problematic type for some recipients.
Some of the current devices that are under scrutiny by law firms and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) include:
If you have had a hip replacement surgery with a MoM device and experience symptoms such as pain in the hip, swelling, numbness, difficulty walking, cognitive problems, and vision problems, you might be experiencing a hip replacement failure.
These failures are caused by loose metal ions and metal flakes that are the result of two pieces of metal rubbing together. These particles can then embed into the joint and cause inflammation and stiffness. They can also enter the bloodstream and cause a condition known as metallosis, where the metal in the blood begins to reach unsafe levels and can cause organ problems or failure.
There are over 20 manufacturers of metal-on-metal hip replacements. The FDA has not approved any MoM devices for use in the U.S. As of 2016, all these devices were given the most stringent of FDA requirements, a pre-market approval from the agency. Since the FDA’s action that year, there have been no new MoM devices marketed.
However, this does not mean that you did not receive a MoM hip replacement during surgery before 2016. If you received a MoM hip implant, and your doctor has diagnosed you with the symptoms of a failing hip replacement, you should consider consulting Hip Replacement Lawyers in Grand Rapids who specializes in these cases.
If you are facing a health crisis due to a failing hip replacement, you deserve to be compensated for the extra medical expenses and loss of daily activities you are experiencing. You need an experienced Hip Replacement Lawyers in Grand Rapids to help you get the full compensation you deserve.
If you live near Grand Rapids, and require representation for your hip replacement, contact the law office of Cochran, Kroll, and Associates, P.C. at 866-MICH-LAW for a free consultation. We work hard to develop a positive attorney-client relationship and fight to get you the compensation you deserve.