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Long Term Disability Lawyer in Grand Rapids

If you are dealing with a long term disability that prevents you from returning to work but have been denied coverage by your insurance provider, you can’t afford to wait for a change of heart from big companies. Contact a long term disability lawyer in Grand Rapids, MI, for legal advice on proceeding with the appeals process.

The claims process for long term disability benefits can be strenuous, especially if your injuries or illness have caused you to lose your income. At Cochran, Kroll & Associates, P.C., we can handle the process of appealing the ruling from your insurance company to get your long term disability claim approved.

Long Term Disability Lawyer in Grand Rapids

Denial of Long Term Disability Benefits

The Employee Retirement and Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) was designed to protect employees’ pensions, but it has been unfairly stilted by Congress and the courts in favor of big insurance companies rather than the disability claimants. ERISA has provided loopholes for giant insurance plan providers to deny coverage to individuals or to suddenly cancel their benefits six months after they are approved.

If you find yourself at the mercy of these institutions, a skilled long term disability lawyer in Grand Rapids will be the only one in your corner to ensure you receive justice. A positive attorney-client relationship can give you the support you need to deal with the appeals process.

Documentation For an LTD Claim

When applying for a long term disability claim, you’ll need to ensure you have collected the correct documentation and information. This might include:

  • Tax records
  • Doctor’s statement or certificate
  • Job description
  • Pay stubs or other proof of previous income
  • Employer’s statement

Law Firm Near Grand Rapids

Our law office can assist with short and long-term disability claims for people dealing with personal injury or mental impairment near Grand Rapids, Michigan, making them unable to work.

Cochran, Kroll & Associates, P.C., can help you prove your disability case using witnesses and senior partner Eileen Kroll’s expert advice. Eileen is also a registered nurse who applies her healthcare knowledge to cases and can interpret your medical records. To get help with your long term disability insurance appeal, fill out our contact form or give us a call at 866-MICH-LAW.


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