The economy in Michigan has long been focused on the automotive and shipbuilding industries that have depended on asbestos-related products and procedures.
Asbestos is incredibly heat-resistant, which made it a natural choice for brake linings, pipe insulation, and other industrial uses. Unfortunately for many workers, inhaling asbestos particles can lead to shortness of breath and chest pain, and can cause many respiratory diseases including mesothelioma lung cancer.
Asbestos is an organic mineral made up of six fibrous silicates. These silicates, when disturbed, are released into the air and can harm anyone who inhales them. Even worse, asbestos accumulates in the body over long term exposure, and there’s no way to reverse the damage that it does to your respiratory system.
Many job sites in the United States in the 19th and 20th centuries were unaware of the harm asbestos could cause, and so scores of workers were put into dangerous worksites and exposed to asbestos. Some even succumbed to wrongful deaths. The legal issues that surrounded asbestos-related diseases grew exponentially at the end of the 20th century.
If you are or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma or other asbestos-related diseases, you may be due compensation. Contact a Mesothelioma Lawyers in Grand Rapids that has experience with mesothelioma claims as soon as possible to file your lawsuit before the 3-year statute of limitations expires.
Mesothelioma victims or anyone who has been exposed to asbestos at a job site should contact an Mesothelioma Lawyers in Grand Rapids who is well-versed in medical malpractice and personal injury cases, as the procedure for filing a mesothelioma case is complex and gathering evidence and creating a timeline of events may take time.
One of the first things a law firm experienced in asbestos illnesses will tell you to do is to schedule a doctor visit with a physician who has experience with asbestos-related ailments.
Cochran, Kroll, & Associates, P.C., can help you. Our legal team can help determine if you are still within the statute of limitations and can make a case for financial compensation.
Call us for a free consultation today at 866-MICH-LAW. We never charge a fee unless we win your case.