Asbestos was in heavy use in the United States up until the 1960s. Some of the leading industries that used asbestos were shipping, automotive, construction, and mining.
Since Michigan’s economy has relied heavily on these industries, there are numerous mesothelioma and lung cancer cases due to work-related exposure in the state.
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma or lung cancer and were exposed to asbestos on the job, you may be due reparations. Experienced Mesothelioma Lawyers in Sterling Heights serving Sterling Heights and the surrounding areas can help you understand what you’re entitled to and how to get it.
Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral made up of six fibrous silicates that, when released into the air, can be very harmful to your respiratory system. When inhaled, the fibrous silicates damage the lungs and the area directly surrounding the lungs. This damage is irreparable and severe.
The asbestos fibers become trapped in the body, causing scarring and inflammation, and even genetic damage. Mesothelioma is a disease that is primarily caused by asbestos inhalation.
Since 1970, asbestos has been strictly regulated in the U.S., but mesothelioma and other respiratory illnesses may take decades to develop and surface.
Under the Michigan Occupational Health & Safety Act, your employer has certain responsibilities toward you if you have any contact with asbestos. When you develop a respiratory ailment and you think it may be due to workplace exposure, you should act quickly and consult the most experienced asbestos mesothelioma lawyers in the area.
Certain companies have set up trust funds to compensate for any former or current employees that contract an asbestos-related disease. However, you only have three years to bring a suit forward or, if your family member passed away from an asbestos-related affliction, to bring a wrongful death suit forward.
Our expert Mesothelioma Lawyers in Sterling Heights understand the legal issues involved with the statute of limitations and other legal services. Our law office can help you get legal aid.
Our Sterling Heights experienced asbestos lawyers can help you through a difficult time. Check our lawyer directory and office hours to schedule your free consultation. You can contact us anytime at 866-MICH-LAW.