Michigan has a long history of construction, ship-building, and automotive assembly. These industries relied heavily on asbestos use as this natural fire-resistant material strengthens other materials. It also causes severe respiratory damage when inhaled.
Many workers who unknowingly were exposed to asbestos on the worksite may be due compensation for medical expenses, in either a personal injury case or wrongful death suit. If you or a loved one are victims of asbestos exposure, contact mesothelioma lawyers serving Warren County at Cochran, Kroll, & Associates, P.C.
Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that is incredibly fire-resistant, which makes it an excellent insulator. Asbestos, made up of six silicate fibers that are very flexible, was used to strengthen things like fibers or concrete, and also to make certain things fire-proof, like brake linings.
These applications made asbestos an apt choice in the shipping, automotive, and construction industries in the United States. Unfortunately, the consequences of working with asbestos did not come to light until much later.
Asbestos fibers, when inhaled, can wreak havoc on the lungs by scarring and damaging them. The damage done by asbestos is irreversible and severe. Mesothelioma, a rare type of cancer, is primarily caused by asbestos inhalation.
Asbestos was only banned in 1970 and, since asbestos-related injuries may take decades to surface, there are still new cases of lung and mesothelioma cancer occurring today.
If you have recently contracted a respiratory illness due to workplace asbestos exposure, you may be able to get financial reparations for medical bills and more. Our firm provides legal services by the most experienced asbestos-mesothelioma lawyers.
The first step to take if you believe you’re a victim of asbestos exposure is to see a doctor who understands these types of ailments. You should also contact a law office that has broad experience with legal issues and legal aid involving mesothelioma and lung cancer cases.
The statute of limitations for either a personal injury suit or a wrongful death suit is three years.
To set up a free consultation with one of our asbestos lawyers at our law firm, check our lawyer directory. You can also contact us at 866-MICH-LAW.