With 192 fatalities and over 2,000 injuries in 2018 alone, there is little doubt that Michigan’s roads are dangerous for motorcyclists. And given that you can potentially receive far more severe injuries in a motorcycle crash than in a car accident, including broken bones, traumatic brain injury, and even wrongful death, then the risk is very real indeed.
If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident, then there is a good chance you will need a Warren motorcycle accident attorney, perhaps to negotiate a better settlement with your insurance company or to provide legal representation if any motorcycle accident case goes all the way to court. Cochran, Kroll & Associates offer some of the best personal injury attorneys in the state and we are a law firm you can choose with confidence.
Motorcycles are not included under Michigan’s no fault insurance law as the state does not class them as motor vehicles. But motorcyclists are required to carry their own minimal coverage policy that covers basics such as damage to property, or injury or even wrongful death to another person. While this is a basic policy, there is the option to increase policy coverage in blocks of $5,000. In addition, as Michigan is a state that allows bikers to ride without helmets – if over 21- when you choose to do so, you must have at least $20,000 in insurance to cover medical care (and this also applies to any passengers without helmets).
Given the potential seriousness when injured in a motorcycle accident and the many problems that may arise, we highly recommend that you engage a personal injury lawyer after any major accident. They can help ensure that any medical expenses and lost wages are covered and that insurance companies do not make a lowball offer.
Motorcyclists are often – wrongly – blamed for being a contributing factor in any accident and a competent lawyer can help defend you against any such accusations.
Motorcycle riders in the Warren area deserve the best legal representation available, and it doesn’t get much better than the team from Cochran, Kroll & Associates. With extensive knowledge and experience in this area of case law, who better to represent you in any action arising from an accident you were involved in. We offer an initial free consultation at our conveniently located offices. If you would like to book an appointment, why not call us today at (866)-779-7331.