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Social Security Disability Lawyers In Ann Arbor

Social Security Disability Lawyers In Ann Arbor

Wherever you are in the application process, a local Social Security Disability Lawyers In Ann Arbor can help you maximize benefits.

The Bureaucracy Is Real

Over half of all first-time applicants applying to receive social security disability benefits are denied coverage and almost 90% of all applicants get legal advice at some point in the process. If you are unable to work because of a medical condition, you probably qualify for these benefits, but the application process is complicated, and for a layperson, it can be extremely confusing and frustrating.

Your Right To Receive Benefits

There are several government programs available to provide you with benefits if you meet the medical, financial, and other criteria. These programs are administered by the Social Security Administration. The two largest programs are:

  • Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is funded by employees, employers, and self-employed people through the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) tax. If you have worked long enough and paid your taxes, SSDI will probably cover you.
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI) pays benefits based on financial need, and not based on your work history. Many states, including Michigan, know the cost of living is higher than the maximum amount of SSI benefits an individual can receive, and provides an extra payment for people who get SSI.

Gathering Medical Evidence

The most important aspect of the SSDI application process is the applicant’s medical records. These records should provide a complete and accurate picture of your medical condition. When they do, this can often eliminate the need for a government disability examiner to request a meeting or ask for more information before approving your application.

Most claims are initially denied because the applicant has not submitted requested medical records or other documentation. The Social Security Administration may request an examination from one of their doctors, for example, and when you miss that appointment or refuse a consultative examination, then chances are your claim will be denied.

Finding An Attorney To Assist You In The Claims Process

Finding a social security disability attorney to assist you doesn’t need to be an overwhelming task — but there are several important things to consider before you decide to work with someone.

  • Ask family members and friends for a reference or referral. Your employer may be helpful too.
  • Research law firms online. Find lawyer directories that cover Ann Arbor Michigan law offices, and review practice areas. Look for firms with experience in disability law, long-term disability, and the legal issues that can affect estate planning.
  • Make a list of a few firms that seem like a good fit and call them. Make an appointment.
  • More than anything else, your attorney should make you feel comfortable.

In most cases, you don’t need any money upfront. Your attorney won’t get paid unless you receive your benefits.

The professionals at Cochran, Kroll & Associates, P.C. are familiar with Michigan and federal disability laws, SSI regulations, and all the details involved in making a successful application. We’re ready to help you understand the details and make decisions that can maximize your benefits.

Contact us today at 866-MICH-LAW or use our convenient online contact form to set up a free consultation.


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  • Disclaimer: Please note that we are currently accepting cases for Michigan residents only, except for product liability cases, which we handle nationwide.
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