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Social Security Disability Lawyers in Flint

Social Security Disability Lawyers in Flint

For many people out of work due to a long-term disability, Social Security Disability benefits provide the financial aid they need. Social Security Disability law can be difficult to understand, so for legal advice, you should turn to a  Flint Social Security Disability Lawyers.

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)

If you’ve held a job, you’ve probably noticed that some of each paycheck is taken to pay the Social Security tax. If you sustain an on-the-job or personal injury that prevents you from working for more than 12 months, you may be entitled to disability payments from the Social Security Administration.

SSDI and Worker Compensation

Workers’ compensation payments are an agreement with your employer that provides an injured employee with medical benefits and wage replacement for relinquishment of the right to sue the employer.

If you have been injured on the job, you might be eligible to receive both types of benefits, but you will have to report workers’ compensation payments when filing disability claims.

Filing a Disability Claim

To receive disability payments, you’ll have to apply via the Social Security Administration. It is critical that you have all the necessary documentation assembled before making your application. You will need recent tax returns, birth certificate, proof of citizenship or legal residence, and medical evidence of your disability to file a claim. An experienced Social Security Disability lawyer can help you collect evidence and documents to ensure that nothing is missed and reduce the risk of a denied application.

If you have sustained an injury that prevents you from working, don’t wait to file a disability claim. It typically takes three to five months for your claim to be processed, and then even longer to be approved.

Why Choose a Disability Lawyer?

If you’ve been denied a Social Security disability claim before, you need to work with a local Social Security Disability attorney so you can tackle the legal issues surrounding disability claims successfully.

For those located in Flint, Michigan, our Cochran, Kroll & Associates, P.C. lawyer directory can help you get started. Our experienced lawyers are well-versed in Michigan Social Security Disability litigation.

Cochran, Kroll & Associates, P.C.

Choosing the right law firm will go a long way in receiving approval for the disability payments you need. Cochran, Kroll & Associates, P.C. has an excellent track record of helping victims receive financial compensation for their long-term injuries. Call us at 866-MICH-LAW for your free case consultation.


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