The Social Security Administration (SSA) collects an income tax so it can provide financial benefits to those whose long-term disability puts them out of work. Unfortunately, Social Security Disability law is often complicated, and more than two-thirds of initial applications are denied.
If you believe you have a Social Security Disability case but have been denied benefits, it’s in your best interest to seek professional legal advice.
Social Security provides two disability programs, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
SSDI provides benefits to people who have paid into the program through past employment. If you haven’t worked in the past, you might still be eligible for SSDI benefits if your parents worked.
SSI gives cash benefits to people with low income and resources. You do not need to have worked in the past for this benefit.
If you sustained an on-the-job injury that prevents you from working for at least a year, you may be eligible for Social Security Disability benefits.
These types of cases are normally separated from personal injury cases, but if a disability prevents you from working, you will likely be eligible for benefits, even if your injury was not sustained in the workplace.
If you are denied the benefits you think you qualify for, don’t worry. You’re not alone – most cases are denied at first.
To reapply for disability payments, you must make an appeal before 60 days has elapsed following the denial. It is better to appeal the ruling with the guidance of a trusted law firm, however, don’t delay as the SSA takes months to process claims.
If you’re dealing with a disabling injury and Social Security legal issues, let Cochran, Kroll & Associates, P.C. handle your case. Our law office in West Michigan serves clients from Kent County, Muskegon County, Comstock Park, and Grand Rapids, MI.
Contact our law firm today for a free consultation at 866-MICH-LAW. Our local Social Security Disability Lawyers in Grand Rapids provide a risk-free way to get the payments you deserve.