If you have been injured and can no longer work, Social Security benefits may be able to help offset lost income.
Social Security is a safety net policy that works to minimize risk for individuals. When you are employed, you pay an income tax to the Social Security Administration. In return, the SSA makes cash payments to people who can no longer work.
This Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a type of federal insurance, and like other types of insurance, claims can be difficult to file and are often rejected.
If you’re worried that you’re uninsured by the SSA, you may still be able to benefit from the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program. This is based on your financial need, and it isn’t required to have paid into the program to benefit from it.
To receive Social Security Disability benefits, you’ll need to be deemed legitimately disabled with medical evidence according to the legal standards. Your disability must prevent you from finding employment, either permanently or temporarily. As long as the duration of your disability is at least a year, you may be eligible for federal benefits.
If you are receiving workers’ compensation payments for your disability, you may still be eligible for federal benefits. Remember to include workers’ compensation payments in your application to the SSA.
If you have been rejected from Social Security benefits in the past, you won’t be eligible to reapply for disability benefits for at least 60 days. To appeal the decision, you’ll need the help of a trusted law firm that practices areas of law like workplace and personal injury.
Finding the right Social Security Disability attorney is important, but it doesn’t have to be difficult. For people in the Wayne County, Ann Arbor, or Livonia, Michigan area, Cochran, Kroll & Associates, P.C., has a law office ready to serve you.
Cochran, Kroll & Associates, P.C., offers top-notch legal services to help you navigate the legal issues surrounding disability claims. Call 866-MICH-LAW today for a free consultation and free case review. We are happy to answer any questions you have about Social Security disability benefits.