Common Injuries on Construction Sites
Legally Reviewed and Edited by: Terry Cochran

Accidents at work happen for many reasons, and in Michigan, the causes resemble those in many other states. In most cases, it is advisable to have the services of a construction accident attorney from Cochran, Kroll & Associates, P.C. so that the work situation is clearly defined, and the injuries are documented.
Unfortunately, many work-related accidents can be fatal. In many others, the injuries can involve burns, electrocution, broken bones, neck and spinal cord injuries, illnesses from toxic chemicals, and even head and brain injury. In 2015, the AFL-CIO reported that in Michigan, 134 workers were killed on the job, and 96,000 suffered injuries. Making people aware of the common causes may help workers avoid some of these misfortunes.
Common Causes of Accidents
There is no one particular cause that rises to the top of a list of workplace accidents, so there is no order of importance that makes one accident more common than another. Many believe that low penalties for work related accidents in Michigan lead to less rather than more adherence to safety. A qualified construction accident attorney at our law firm will take this into account when investigating an accident.
Things Falling
One major cause of a construction accident is gravity. For instance, construction sites often use scaffolding to reach high buildings, and if these are poorly assembled, there could be an accident from collapsing scaffolding. Secondly, workers can fall off the scaffolding, or they can be injured when a ladder they are using slips or becomes entangled in wires or other materials. Gravity really is at work when objects being used overhead drop and hit a worker, or when there is slippery material under foot that causes a person to slip and fall. A construction accident attorney at our law firm is prepared to assist in defining the exact causes that may lead to an accident concerning a fall.
Equipment and Use of Equipment
Defective construction equipment could include anything from poorly manufactured equipment to equipment that is poorly maintained. Workers who fail to use the appropriate safety precautions and use the equipment without following procedure, and sometimes tools malfunction causing injury. Tools with repetitive motion have also been identified as leading to accidents when the worker may be unfamiliar with the mechanical pattern built into the operation of the machine.
Most Fatal
It is difficult to pinpoint which accidents can lead to death, but these three very often cause severe injuries. Electrocution can sometimes be deadly or paralyzing, fires and explosions are also very hazardous and can be magnified because of chemicals internal to the materials. Working in areas with high concentrations of chemicals can cause respiratory illness later on in life. Lastly, motor vehicle accidents can often be fatal. Many workers risk accidents by vehicles because they often are working on highways and roads.
The Fatal Four
OSHA, the Occupational and Health Administration Agency, places construction accidents within four major areas.: falls, electrocutions, struck by an object and caught in-between. Caught in-between usually defines accidents that happen when a worker might be crushed by falling debris, or when they might be trapped between immovable objects. OSHA predicts that if the “fatal four” could be eliminated, there would be 582 fewer deaths annually across America from construction accidents.
Final Thoughts
The men and women in the construction business work in situations, and with equipment, that can easily lead to injury and death. There is no such thing as a minor construction accident because there can always be long term affects depending on the circumstances. The law office of Cochran, Kroll & Associates, P.C., is prepared to thoroughly investigate any claim to make sure the proper benefits are awarded the victims. Call us today at 866-MICH-LAW for a no obligation case evaluation.
Disclaimer : The information provided is general and not for legal advice. The blogs are not intended to provide legal counsel and no attorney-client relationship is created nor intended.