Choosing the Best Mesothelioma Lawyer
Legally Reviewed and Edited by: Terry Cochran

In the United States, asbestos litigation has grown to include a stunning number of asbestos companies and mesothelioma patients. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma in Michigan, it’s possible to get the justice and compensation you deserve by engaging mesothelioma attorneys at our law firm to help you fight your case.
Every attorney has a specialization, and many attorneys focus on fields that don’t have anything to do with workplace injuries or mesothelioma. Hiring a lawyer at Cochran, Kroll & Associates, P.C. who specializes in mesothelioma injuries and wrongful death cases is critical to winning your case.
A mesothelioma lawyer at Cochran, Kroll & Associates, P.C. can help you understand all your legal options and work with you to prove the merits of your case and win compensation. Choosing the best mesothelioma lawyer requires establishing trust by asking about the lawyer’s track record and experience. A free initial consultation is the first step to establishing that relationship and making sure an attorney at our law firm is a good fit for you.
Legal Knowledge
Asbestos cases are complex, especially since they involve patients who may have been exposed to asbestos many years ago. Winning compensation from asbestos trust funds requires extensive documentation of the victim’s work experience, medical history, and other factors that prove exposure to asbestos.
Asbestos attorneys must be up-to-date on all case precedents and changes in law that may affect their cases. In Michigan, the statute of limitation on asbestos cases is three years from the time the victim learns of their asbestos related disease. Establishing that a case is within the statute of limitations sometimes requires specialized knowledge pertaining to medical documentation. At Cochran, Kroll & Associates, P.C. senior partner, Eileen Kroll is also a registered nurse and can help alleviate the burden of medical proof from your shoulders as well as decipher unfamiliar medical jargon.
The limits and rules for compensation are complex, and attorneys need thorough understanding of the rules in order to maximize victims’ compensation. There are also different laws regarding personal injury lawsuits, wrongful death lawsuits, and asbestos trust fund claims.
Wrongful death lawsuits can be particularly difficult, as they require an attorney to establish a chain of events pertaining to a deceased victim. This level of detective work requires both legal and technical knowledge in order to gather enough evidence to win a case.
Technical Knowledge
Attorneys must know what questions to ask victims in order to prove exposure to asbestos. While workplace history is sometimes sufficient, attorneys often need to be able to establish which specific tools or job duties would have exposed the victim. This practical knowledge comes after years of experience in mesothelioma cases, and cannot be replicated by attorneys with other specializations.
The best mesothelioma attorneys also recruit testimony from a number of experts, including doctors and technical experts on asbestos and mesothelioma cancers. Although attorneys have substantial knowledge themselves, they must also present testimony from experts to win in court.
Solid Communication
A successful mesothelioma law firm like Cochran, Kroll & Associates, P.C. will communicate with you regularly and answer your questions about the process. Even if your case does not go to trial, our lawyers provide regular updates about the status of the case and what they are doing to help you.
Like with any medical lawsuit, the process of winning compensation can be very emotionally draining for mesothelioma victims. Experienced mesothelioma lawyers at our law firm know how to communicate with patients and their families in clear terms, eliminating confusion and giving hope along the journey.
Mesothelioma lawyers at our law firm are reachable by email, phone and video conference. Lawyers at our law firm are very flexible in talking to victims and their families via a variety of mediums, in order to keep communication clear and time-efficient.
Care and Flexibility
Mesothelioma victims need to focus on their treatment, instead of spending hours in meetings or sitting in court. Families of victims in wrongful death lawsuits need to have time to grieve and support each other while taking care of the victim’s affairs. Mesothelioma lawyers at our law firm know how to get the case done while shouldering as much of the research and other work as possible.
Our compassionate mesothelioma lawyers work around patients’ medical appointments and family obligations, while still providing the one-on-one attention each client needs.
Most of all, when choosing a mesothelioma lawyer ensure you are comfortable. Our lawyers are open to your questions and address your concerns promptly.
When you contact our law firm for your no-obligation consultation, you will feel at ease and respected. Our lawyers can meet you at your convenience, in our law offices, at your home or even in your hospital room for your initial consultation.
A History of Winning
At Cochran, Kroll and Associates, P.C., we specialize in personal injury cases, including mesothelioma lawsuits, and have established a clear winning track record. Our experienced and knowledgeable legal team collaborates with national law firms when necessary while still providing victims with the personalized care and local support you deserve.
Nurse attorney Eileen Kroll provides specialized medical knowledge for our team, so we can collect accurate information about your case and communicate with you in a sensitive and informed manner.
We serve the greater Detroit Metro area and have a deep knowledge of Michigan law and case precedent. Don’t let the statute of limitations run out on your case. Contact us toll-free at 866-MICH-LAW to schedule your free consultation. We operate on a contingency fee basis so we never charge a fee unless we win your case.
Disclaimer : The information provided is general and not for legal advice. The blogs are not intended to provide legal counsel and no attorney-client relationship is created nor intended.