Get the Right Compensation You Deserve from Dog Bites Cases
Legally Reviewed and Edited by: Terry Cochran

Dog bite laws and owner liability statutes are strict in the state of Michigan, and for good reason: They can cause serious damage. Get help from a skilled dog bite lawyer or a top personal injury lawyer at Cochran, Kroll & Associates, P.C. to determine exactly how to approach fighting for fair treatment. In the meantime, however, it’s useful to be aware of the damage that a dog bite can cause. Educate yourself so you can effectively reach out for legal help at our law firm when you need it.
Punctures, lacerations, and their dangers
Dog bites occur on a wide scale across the nation and often call for extensive medical treatment.
This is, in part, because of the nature of dog bites. Bites typically inflict either a puncture, or a small hole in the flesh, or a type of injury called a laceration, which is a deep, usually jagged lesion in the flesh. Lacerations open up the body to many kinds of infections, bacteria, and debris. Punctures also expose the body to foreign matter, bacteria, and viruses.
Dog’s teeth can carry a variety of bacteria and debris that enter the body in the instance of a dog bite. However, with their potential of inflicting deep and difficult-to-heal wounds, dog bites can also leave the body open to other foreign viruses and bacteria. These complications can wreak a lot of havoc in the body and everyday life.
Different kinds of bites inflict various injuries and effects. These different kinds of wounds and biological reactions to trauma render the human body susceptible to a variety of illnesses. For instance, a wound that results in an abscess might be vulnerable to infections that another wound isn’t.
Here are some of the specific medical complications that can arise from dog bites. This is not in any way an exhaustive list, as animal bites can introduce very rare bacteria to the body. This information is taken from the CDC page on dog bites.
Tetanus is a kind of bacteria that can cause rigid paralysis. It’s especially problematic in deeper bites.
This is especially common in dog bite wounds, occurring in over half of dog bite cases. It causes inflammation and infection at the wound site. However, it can lead to further complications, such as difficulty moving, swollen joints and joints, etc., in those with compromised immunity.
Rabies is one of the most serious–but fortunately rare–complications that can arise from dog bites. Once symptoms and side effects appear, rabies is almost always fatal. Therefore, no matter how serious the dog bite, it’s crucial to seek medical help immediately after the bite incident. That way, you can see if the health provider recommends an emergency rabies vaccine. This can be lifesaving.
This is a type of antibiotic-resistant staph infection. While dogs don’t always show symptoms, this disease can be life-threatening in humans. It is not always this serious, but if any symptoms appear, it is crucial to get medical attention.
Capnocytophaga bacteria
This bacterium does not harm dogs but can affect people after a bite. Again, it is most likely to cause harm in people with weakened immunity, such as elderly individuals or children.
Seek help immediately
It is crucial to seek medical and legal help after a dog bite incident. Complications can be life-altering or even life-ending. This is not only a question of your health as an individual but also concerns the health of your loved ones. Be proactive. Know your rights. Unless you were unlawfully on private property, provoking the dog, or otherwise committing an illegal action, in Michigan dog owners are liable for dog bite damages.
Under these circumstances, it is absolutely in your best interest to seek the help of a dog bite lawyer. Reach out to Cochran, Kroll & Associates, P.C. on their website or call toll-free, at any time of day. Call them today at 866-MICH-LAW for a free case evaluation and begin your journey to justice.
Disclaimer : The information provided is general and not for legal advice. The blogs are not intended to provide legal counsel and no attorney-client relationship is created nor intended.