Why Hiring a Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney is Key After an Accident
Legally Reviewed and Edited by: Terry Cochran
Injuries sustained during accidents can vary, and a common one after sports and car accidents, slip and falls, are traumatic brain injuries or TBIs. This type of injury happens when the brain suffers damage because of a sudden jolt or severe blow to the head.
In most cases, however, victims of TBI don’t receive the compensation they need and deserve following an accident, including payment for all related medical treatment now and in the future. Hiring a specialized traumatic brain injury attorney can make a significant difference in these situations and is critical after an accident to ensure you receive your rightful compensation.
Understanding Traumatic Brain Injury
Regardless of how minor an accident you or a loved one’s experience may be, suffering a traumatic brain injury is a high possibility. Symptoms rarely appear until hours, if not days later, after some type of trauma to the head.
The head trauma doesn’t have to involve impact. The force of being thrown forward can cause damage to your brain inside your skull as well and may not be identified at a post-accident examination.
Common types of TBIs include concussions, contusions, diffuse axonal injury, penetration, and hemorrhaging. These can be severe and life-threatening, and a diagnosis as soon as possible is essential.
Why Hiring a Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney is Key
There are several reasons hiring an experienced attorney is beneficial, including their specialized knowledge, deep understanding of TBI injury law, experience negotiating with insurance companies, and experience filing lawsuits.
Specialized Knowledge
Symptoms of a TBI are not immediate or diagnosed after an accident. By hiring a personal injury attorney with TBI experience to handle your case, he or she will know the types of head injuries and resulting symptoms and behaviors that occur in accidents. As a result, your lawyer will know what to look for and what questions to ask you concerning your injuries.
Understanding of TBI Compensation Laws
Seeking legal advice and representation immediately following an accident is key to your future claims and receipt of compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses. A skilled TBI lawyer understands the laws surrounding brain injury compensation and the ranges allowed and will propel your case forward with exact medical language and a full understanding of your injury.
Insurance Negotiations
Multiple insurance companies may be involved following your accident and resulting injury claim, which can be stressful. Your attorney can work with these companies for you and assure any settlement offered is reasonable and covers all medical expenses, including long-term care. They can also ensure you receive any other benefits you are entitled to in your personal injury case.
Lawsuit Filing
Besides settling insurance claims, you may decide to file a lawsuit, particularly if negligence on the part of another occurred. Trial lawyers experienced in personal injury law can help with this.
Hire an Experienced Michigan Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney
It’s imperative you hire an attorney with an extensive medical background and experience representing TBI cases. Eileen Kroll with Cochran, Kroll & Associates, P.C. is a highly experienced and respected personal injury lawyer and had a career as a registered nurse. She uses her medical experience in every case, along with the legal representation experience of the firm’s entire team of attorneys.
If you or a loved one have been involved in an accident that resulted in head trauma, contact our law office at 866-MICH-LAW and schedule your free consultation today to learn how to proceed with your claim. Our law firm never charges a fee unless we win your case.
Disclaimer : The information provided is general and not for legal advice. The blogs are not intended to provide legal counsel and no attorney-client relationship is created nor intended.