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Mesothelioma Lawyers in Clinton

Mesothelioma Lawyers in Clinton

Thousands of American lives have been impacted by mesothelioma and other asbestos-related conditions. Tragically, many victims are exposed in the course of simply doing their job, especially if they worked in auto plants, construction sites, or shipyards.

An experienced mesothelioma law firm can work with victims and their families to recover compensation for your suffering. This can make a life-changing difference when families are dealing with expensive medical bills and lost wages.

An asbestos mesothelioma lawyer with significant product liability knowledge ensures that your case will be examined properly.

Liable Parties

Although the manufacturer usually bears legal responsibility for asbestos-related health conditions, the payouts usually come from asbestos trust funds or insurance companies. This keeps companies from going bankrupt due to sudden large mesothelioma claims. Thanks to this structure, you can get a significant amount of compensation even if it’s been decades since the exposure to asbestos occurred.

Statute of Limitations

Once you’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma lung cancer or another asbestos-related disease, you need to contact a nurse attorney as soon as possible. In Michigan, the statute of limitations on asbestos cases is just 3 years.

No matter how severe your case, you must file a claim within 3 years of diagnosis or the death of the victim. There is also an exception that allows the clock to start on the date that a victim should have known that their condition was related to asbestos if their exposure to asbestos was kept hidden.

Even if you know that you’ve been exposed to asbestos, proving the exposure can take some time. You may need workplace records related to your job site, time of employment, and job duties. Since mesothelioma sometimes takes decades to develop, tracking down these old records can take weeks or months.

Mesothelioma Lawyers Serving Clinton

Sadly, Michigan is home to a high number of mesothelioma cases due to the number of auto factories and shipyards. Cochran, Kroll & Associates, P.C. serves the Detroit Metro area in a variety of personal injury and product liability cases.

We have the specialized knowledge you need to file your mesothelioma claim successfully so you can spend more time with your family. Contact us today at 866-MICH-LAW for a free consultation.


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There is no obligation for a case evaluation & no fee is charged unless a recovery is made.
  • Disclaimer: Please note that we are currently accepting cases for Michigan residents only, except for product liability cases, which we handle nationwide.
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