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Do I Need a Lawyer to Get Workers’ Compensation Benefits?

Legally Reviewed and Edited by: Terry Cochran

After suffering a work-related illness or injury, it may be necessary to hire an attorney specialized in workers’ compensation to ensure you receive all the benefits you need.

While you may represent yourself in certain situations, other times will require legal advice or representation, so become familiar with your options.

Represent Yourself

In certain situations, you can attempt to handle your own workers’ compensation claim. These situations include:

  • Minor injuries sustained with no additional medical or work complications
  • No pre-existing conditions in the area injured
  • No missed work or only a short absence
  • Employer admits injury happened in the workplace or is somehow work-related

While these situations may seem simple at first glance, it can be beneficial to consult with an experienced workers compensation attorney anyway. Knowing about any potential complications that can arise can help you know when it’s time to call an attorney.

Seek Help From a Michigan Workers Compensation Attorney

workers' compensation benefits

As soon as you start having questions or concerns, or your situation goes from simple to complicated, it’s time to hire an attorney. Such cases include the following.

Changes in Work Ability

Injuries can limit your abilities or keep you from working at all. If any of the following occurs due to your injury or illness, contact a personal injury attorney with medical expertise:

  • Inability to return to the prior position
  • Limitations to work ability
  • Unable to return to any work due to injury and resulting medical condition

If permanent disability results, whether a partial disability or you are totally disabled, you can seek lost wages and Social Security disability.

Negative Actions by Employer or Insurance Company

The insurance company or your employer may deny your claim entirely. If it is approved, payments may not be sent on time, or at all.

Employer’s Settlement is not Enough

If the settlement your employer offers fails to meet your medical bills and lost wages, find an attorney to help you obtain the most beneficial compensation for your situation.

Employer Retaliation

If, after filing for workers’ compensation, you receive a sudden reassignment to a lower-level position, reduced to part-time, or your pay is considerably lowered without justification, reach out to a workers’ compensation lawyer for legal advice.

Employer or Third-Party Negligence

While workers’ compensation is geared to protect both you and the employer, there are times when your injury is caused by third parties or your employer’s negligence or misconduct. In times like these, a workplace accident attorney can advise you on the next steps to take.

Consult with Michigan’s Top Workers’ Compensation Attorneys

For a thorough review of your workers’ compensation case, contact our expert attorneys at Cochran, Kroll & Associates, P.C. today at 866-MICH-LAW. We know the steps to take not only to confidently file your claim but to pursue all avenues to gain the workers’ compensation benefits you need, including a personal injury lawsuit.

Disclaimer : The information provided is general and not for legal advice. The blogs are not intended to provide legal counsel and no attorney-client relationship is created nor intended.



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