Dog Bite Attorney in Clinton
Have you been the victim of a dog bite? Dog bites can cause extensive injuries that can require months of recuperation and expensive medical treatments. Not to mention the emotional trauma of suddenly being attacked by an aggressive animal.
Although your medical insurance may cover part of the cost of your treatment, medical costs can quickly skyrocket leaving you injured and under financial strain.
You deserve to be compensated for your physical and emotional suffering. A Clinton dog bite attorney can help you best determine the type of lawsuit you can bring to get the compensation you need to ease your suffering.
Why Should I File a Dog Bite Lawsuit?
Aggressive behavior in dogs can cause them to attack and bite people without provocation. Dog bites can cause deep lacerations that can damage blood vessels and in some cases cause nerve damage that requires extensive physical therapy.
A dog bite can be so forceful that it can break bones and tear connective tissue which may require you to take an extended leave from your job to recover. The injuries sustained during a dog bite mean that you are entitled to compensation for the cost of your medical expenses and lost wages.
In extreme cases, the injuries sustained from a dog bite can be fatal. A wrongful death suit can help you to get closure for a friend or family member who lost their life due to a dog attack through compensation for pain and suffering.
You may be reluctant to file a personal injury lawsuit if the dog owner is a friend or a member of the family. However, if you have been attacked by a dog and sustained an injury, it is recommended that you pursue a dog bite claim regardless of whether or not you know the owner of the dog.
In most cases, the compensation payment is made through the dog owner’s insurance company if they have homeowner’s insurance and will not cause them any undue financial burden.
Who is Responsible in a Dog Bite Case?
Michigan is one of the few states that have a “strict liability” policy in dog bite claims. This means that the dog owner bears full responsibility for the animal and cannot claim ignorance of the dog’s behavior even if no prior dangerous behavior has been exhibited.
Michigan personal injury laws also have specific statutes addressing dog bite injuries. According to MCLA 287.351, the owner of the dog is liable in a personal injury case if:
- The injury was a direct result of the dog bite and not caused by any other dog-related behavior such as jumping or scratching.
- The dog bite victim did not intentionally provoke the dog and cause it to become aggressive.
- The attack occurred on public property, or the dog bite victim was on the dog owners property legally.
Personal injury cases in Michigan have a three year statute of limitations. This means that you need to file your lawsuit as soon as possible after the injury occurred. Failure to file on time may mean that your claim is rejected. A dog bite lawyer can help you sift through the complex process of filing a dog bite claim in a Michigan court to ensure that your case is resolved in a timely manner.
Am I Eligible to Make a Claim?
If you have been bitten by a dog in an unprovoked attack, you are eligible to file a personal injury lawsuit. For delivery drivers or postal workers who have been bitten while on the job, you may be eligible for payment under your Worker’s Compensation.
An experienced personal injury lawyer from our law firm can help to determine what type of lawsuit you can bring to help cover your medical costs and ease your pain and suffering. If your lawsuit is successful, the level of compensation you receive is determined on a case by case basis.
File a police report as soon as the attack happens to get the attack on record. To help move your case along, be sure to document the time, date and place the dog bite attack occurred. You should also photograph the nature and severity of the bite and keep records of any medical tests. Trial lawyers experienced in personal injury law will represent you in court to help you win your case.
Call an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney at Cochran, Kroll & Associates, P.C.
If you are looking for compensation after being bitten by a dog, a dog bite lawyer in Clinton can help you navigate Michigan’s complex personal injury laws to get you the payment you deserve.
Our personal injury lawyers have represented numerous clients across a range of practice areas including dog bite cases and helped hundreds of people like you win their case. One phone call to the law office at Cochran, Kroll & Associates, P.C. is all it takes to schedule your free consultation with an experienced lawyer.