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Car Accident Lawyers in Grand Rapids

Grand Rapids is Michigan’s second-largest city. The Grand Region’s population is growing, and this means an uptick in auto accidents as well.

Nothing can prepare you for an auto accident, which inflicts injury, trauma, lost wages, and miles of paperwork to get through. If you’ve been hurt or worse in an automobile accident, you need time to heal.

When you’re healing and adjusting your life to new circumstances, it may be hard to understand the inevitable vagaries of Michigan law. That’s why you need expert auto accident attorneys like those at Cochran, Kroll & Associates, P.C.

No-Fault Law

Michigan is a no-fault state, which means getting due compensation is complicated. Michigan’s no-fault law states that every driver in the state must buy a minimal amount of insurance to receive their license plates.

When you’ve been in a car accident, this minimal insurance covers wage loss, medical bills, medical mileage, attendant care, changes to your home, survivors’ loss benefits, and replacement service for household chores.

Michigan car accident lawyer understand the distinction between the two types of claims under this law. If you’ve been in a car crash and are not the at-fault party, the no-faults benefits pay for:

  • Allowable expenses-Any costs necessary for the care and rehabilitation of a person injured in an auto accident.
  • Work losses-Three years lost income at 85% wage.
  • Replacement services-Award of estimated $20 a day for household-related tasks.
  • Survivor’s loss benefits-In the tragic event of a death in a car accident case, benefits support the dependents of a killed car crash victim for up to three years.

Liability or at-fault driver claim pays for:

  • Pain and suffering-For this pay-out, victims must meet a minimum injury requirement, such as death or permanent disfigurement.
  • Excess economic loss-Benefits pay for maximum lost wages.

A driver who is in a fender bender can file a no-fault claim against their own car insurance company and a liability claim against the driver’s insurance company. Unfortunately, insurance companies have been known to underscore information about these different types of claims when dealing with auto-accident victims.

Motor vehicle accidents lawyers with years of experience like those at Cochran, Kroll & Associates, P.C. understand the distinctions between these two claims, even though many Michigan drivers assume that the no-fault benefit is all they can claim.


When you are the driver in an accident, your insurance company usually covers medical bills. If you are a passenger or pedestrian who has suffered a personal injury, you need to be under a Personal Injury Protection (PIP) plan of one of the drivers with whom you live.

If anyone’s PIP does not cover you, you may have to file a claim against the driver to collect benefits to defray any medical costs. Consult an injury lawyer like those at Cochran, Kroll & Associates, P.C. Our attorneys can navigate the thorny bureaucracy of no-fault and at-fault benefits claims for you.

Lost Wages

When you’ve been hurt in a car accident, you will need time to recuperate from your injuries. A lengthy rehabilitation means missed work, which means missed wages.

The no-fault insurance claims will pay 85% of three years’ worth of wages. The amount of lost wages awarded to car crash victims changes every calendar year, so it’s essential to consult with a knowledgeable car accident attorney.


When you’re in an auto accident, you may suffer physical and nonphysical injuries. Car wrecks cause trauma. In this state, it may be hard to think clearly about the necessary steps you should take to claim your benefits.

Insurance companies award pain and suffering benefits in a few cases with particular circumstances. The main distinction is that Michigan residents with no-fault insurance can only claim these benefits if the auto accident resulted in a life-altering change or permanent disfigurement.

Contact Us

Call our offices at Cochran, Kroll & Associates, P.C. to schedule your free consultation.
Not only do we have experience with car accidents, but we can also help if you’ve been in a motorcycle or truck accident. If you’ve been in an accident that does not involve a car but some other type of vehicle, the liability claim circumstances change under Michigan law.

Call us at (866)-308-6261.


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